Advocacy at The Arc Pikes Peak Region
The Arc Pikes Peak Region strives to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)of all ages and their families to ensure a high quality of life. People with IDD should be able to lead the life they choose, but oftentimes, need help accessing their community. Our advocates are here to help resolve these issues while empowering individuals and their families to be able to advocate for themselves, and ensuring that their voices are heard.
Through consultation by email, telephone and/or personal meetings, our advocates assist individuals with IDD and their families understand their resource options, as well as understand their rights and responsibilities in government-funded systems of care.
The Arc PPR protects the rights of individuals with IDD by:
- Attending school staffings
- Attending residential and/or day program staffings
- Providing crisis intervention
- Providing limited emergency financial assistance to meet individual needs
- Housing
- Employment
- Employment Supports
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Long-term supports and services through Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program)
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
- Guardianship and less restrictive options
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Long-term care of people with disabilities
- Respite Care
- Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
- 504 Plans
The Arc PPR protects the rights of individuals with IDD by:
- Gathering information about and monitoring local programs to ensure that services both meet identified needs and are consistent with laws, regulations and standards of quality
- Monitoring public policy and legislation at state and federal levels

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The best way to ensure that you receive our newsletter, our event invitations, and other important information is to become a member of The Arc of the Pikes Peak Region.