Join us for a fun day in Old Colorado City celebrating Mad Hatter Saturday!!! This is a public event held by Old Colorado City and we are thrilled to be a part of it!!
Just some of the fun scheduled: Character meet & greets, costume contest, live music, tea party, poker run, face painting, and more! Check out the official event page with more information here:…/mad-hatter-saturday
The Cool CATS Club is excited to be hosting the craft section in Alice’s Wonderland!!
As some of you know… The Cool CATS Club’s unofficial mascot is the Cheshire Cat! Why? Because he has the ability to adapt to his surroundings, and always has a mischievous grin – Just like a lot of our Children of All Types Succeeding!
So an Alice in Wonderland themed Family event… WE’RE IN!!
The Cool CATS Club will be the only “vendor” in Alice’s Wonderland – near the kids fun! We will have space for our CATS Families to meet up and hang out. Our station will be a “home base” for our CATS Families, and include our super fun Cheshire Cat activity for attendees!
We would love for our CATS Families to help us during this event if they are able! (by hanging out at our station, sharing information about the Cool CATS, and helping with the craft! – 1 Hour time slots)
Sign up here:…/10C084AAEAB2AA6FCC70…
“The secret, Alice, is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile. It’s then, only then, that you’ll find Wonderland..”