WHAT: This group will provide opportunities to express ourselves through music using instrument play, singing, and movement. We will get to explore different instruments, sing familiar and new songs, and learn some ways to relax using instruments, movement, and breathing. Bring your voice and get ready to have some fun!
FOR WHO: Registered participants of the Succeeding in School and Life Program with children preschool aged through transition age (21).
The first Saturday of every month. Please see below for dates and times
Saturday Groups – 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
- March 1st
- April 5th
- May 3rd
- June 7th
- July 5th
- August 2nd
- September 6th
- October 4th
- November 1st
- December 6th
RSVP IS REQUIRED! Sign up for the next scheduled Saturday group here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_o3TWkqsyAP59mDQkESRWNhOrVGOhIi8JoNJCs5Mxt89KsA/viewform