Include U.S.A. (Unique Self Advocates) is The Arc Pikes Peak Region’s chapter of 18+ Self-Advocates. To raise funds for their advocacy work in the community, we are hosting a Pampered Chef Fundraising Party! In the month of August, 30% of all party sales will be donated to the Include U.S.A. Chapter. Self-Advocates are excited to launch this group forward by increasing recruitment efforts, hosting workshops to learn about the legislative system, and discussing policies that influence the lives of people in the disability community. By supporting this fundraiser, you are supporting our Self-Advocates in their mission to promote awareness and acceptance of all people, to participate in our community in meaningful and fun ways, and to educate the public about the many contributions of people with disabilities. Starting on Thursday, August 8th, you can support our Self-Advocates in the following ways:

– Join The Arc Pikes Peak Region’s (Include U.S.A.) Facebook Fundraising Party Group
– If you don’t want to join the Facebook Party, that’s okay! Use this Shopping Link to place an online order for this Fundraiser (You MUST use this link, do NOT go to the website, or your purchase will not go to Include U.S.A.)
– Get a Pampered Chef Catalogue
– Pick up a catalogue from The Arc Pikes Peak Region
– Request a catalogue to be mailed to you
– Use the shopping QR code on the catalogue to place an online order

If you are interested in joining Include U.S.A. or learning more, contact Include U.S.A. Advisor, Pete at

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The best way to ensure that you receive our newsletter, our event invitations, and other important information is to become a member of The Arc of the Pikes Peak Region.