
Helpful Resources for Families of School Aged Children with a Disability

  • Family Voices Colorado –  Family Voices Colorado is a grassroots organization run by parents of children with special healthcare needs. Every day we give parents the information and knowledge they need to navigate complex health care systems in order to get things like wheelchairs, oxygen, or a surgery for their children. With our help, parents are able to be the heroes their children are counting on!

  • PEAK Parent Center- PEAK Parent Center provides training, information and technical assistance to equip families of children birth through twenty-six including all disability labels with strategies to advocate successfully for their children.

  • Colorado Legal Services –Colorado Legal Services (CLS) is a nonprofit organization that provides free civil legal assistance to low-income individuals, seniors, and other vulnerable populations in Colorado. Their mission is to ensure equal access to justice by helping people navigate legal challenges related to housing, domestic violence, family law, immigration, public benefits, and consumer rights, among other civil matters. CLS also offers self-help resources, legal clinics, and support for those who cannot afford private legal representation, helping empower clients to understand and protect their rights.
  • The Resource Exchange (TRE) –  The Resource Exchange (TRE) is the case management agency for El Paso, Park, and Teller Counties.

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